Ralph Nader Radio Hour Featuring Leonard Goodman (interview starts at 31:20)

Veterans for Peace/ Freedom of Speech by Ralph Nader Read on Substack...

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Leonard C. Goodman: An important case threatening First Amendment rights is about to go to trial

An important case threatening the First Amendment right of all Americans to criticize their government will go to trial this September in a...

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Declassify the Documents From Trump’s Basement

Whatever your feelings about former President Trump, there are reasons to be skeptical when government officials say it was necessary to...

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A Speculator Takes Blame for the Mortgage Mess

Townsend is one of many minor players paying a heavy price for their roles in the mortgage meltdown, while the major figures avoid any...

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Beware of the Fact-Checkers

A case study in how allegedly neutral analysts hired by publications or social media can effectively cancel good-faith questions and...

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Vaxxing our kids

Why I’m not rushing to get my six-year-old the COVID-19 vaccine. As a father of a young child, I am pressured to get my daughter...

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A Deadly Drone Program Lifted by Lies

A wrongly targeted Afghan aid worker and his family are among the latest casualties. On August 29, in the final days of our 20-year...

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What happened to the Squad?

The collapse of the progressive cohort shows change won’t come from within the Democratic Party. I signed up for the COVID-19 vaccine on...

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Who’s really controlling Trump’s impeachment

The second impeachment of President Trump, this time for inciting a riot, got a big boost last week when dozens of large corporations...

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