

JILL STEIN, THE GREEN PARTY NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT, WANTS YOUR SUPPORT. Her platform seeks to move “from the greed and exploitation of...

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The Bizarre Experience of Agreeing with Trump

In a rare moment of candor in the Dec. 15, 2015, Republican debate, Donald Trump acknowledged how our misguided policies since 9/11 have...

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Bernie Is Right: The Military-Industrial Complex Is Alive and Well

During the last Democratic debate, the presidential candidates pledged to make defeating ISIS a priority. But more significant was...

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Obama’s Drone Policy Crashes and Burns

The unraveling of Yemen should be a wake-up call for Obama loyalists. Obama was elected in large part because of his opposition to the...

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It’s Not the Koran, It’s Us

For a brief time after the 9/11 terror attacks, Americans could be heard asking the reasonable question: Why do these men from Middle...

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Christmas Comes Early for War Profiteers

Today, while the radical warrior cult that now calls itself Islamic State (also known as ISIS) is taking over large swaths of Iraq and...

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CIA No Evil

Why is President Obama’s Justice Department threatening a Pulitzer Prize-wining New York Times reporter with jail over a story...

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Sabotaging Peace with Iran

The Obama administration deserves great credit for its role in negotiating the historic November 2013 accord with Iran, which lifts some...

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The War That Wasn’t

An amazing thing happened on the way to another war in the Middle East. The American people said no. We were told the same things that have...

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Drone Justice is Blind

For the first time in history, the United States government has proclaimed its legal right to assassinate any person, anywhere on the...

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