Jury acquits Oliver of murder, deadlocks on neglect offense

CHARLESTON — After hearing different stories about whether Christopher P. Oliver took part in the attack that killed Dustin Higgins,...

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‘A Giant Sucking Sound’

Presidential contenders Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have been spending a lot of time in Ohio, promising the swing-state voters they’ll...

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Legislate First, Ask Questions Never

The comments that Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) made in August about legitimate rape helped expose a sad truth about modern-day Washington,...

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Making Obama’s Kill List

in 1995 Albie Sachs, then a member of the Constitutional Court of South Africa, helped abolish capital punishment, explaining that his goal...

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The U.S. Department of Double Standards

On April 21, The New York Times reported that Wal-Mart de Mexico paid $24 million in bribes to local land use officials in...

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Ron Paul’s Common Sense

It is worth listening to the GOP primary debates to hear Ron Paul give an honest assessment of our foreign policy. At the February 22...

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A Broken Writ, a Kangaroo Court

On New Year’s Eve, President Barack Obama signed into law the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which authorizes the indefinite...

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Assassinating the Rule of Law

Of all the promises made by candidate Barack Obama, it was his promise to end the lawlessness of the Bush years by closing Guantanamo,...

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Feds Focus on Foreclosure Fall Guys

If you follow the press releases coming out of the U.S. Attorney’s Office here in Chicago, as dutifully reported on by local and national...

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Wall Street Pulls Obama’s Strings

Whatever grim bargain emerges from the federal debt ceiling and budget negotiations, it’s clear the losers will be poor and middle-class...

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